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Want to be your Best? Compete against yourself

VBS IT Services

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These days it’s easy to compare yourself against other people especially with social media images. However, when you compete against other people, you measure yourself based on someone else’s values and metrics. So even if you win, you only do something that’s important to them and not you.

In order to be competitive in a healthy way, do not compete against others. Why? Because it brings neither happiness nor success you could be proud of.

Don’t live life as a race against anyone else. Life is a journey to be experienced and to get the most out of it, you need to push yourself to unrealized potential, so you can grow and be better than you were yesterday. And so that you can serve people with the highest possible value that you can deliver.

I love how Matthew McConaughey says that he chases his ideal self, ten years in the future. He says, “Every day, every week, every month, and every year of my life, my hero is always 10 years away”.

To be your best, you need to invest in yourself with new knowledge, followed by implementing the things that you learn. Set goals, schedule activities to move you forward, monitor and review them regularly. You also need to maximize your productivity by working smart, which includes delegating work that others can do and using technology to automate repetitive tasks.

Ignore what you see on social media or what you hear about your competitor. Smile, nod, and then forget it when other people try to entice you into competing. Only you can decide what really matters to you.

Cheers to your success,
Miguel Ribeiro